Monday, April 16, 2007

An Update

I don't think many people read my blog anymore but for those who do here is an update about what is going on.

I started training at Starbucks on Tuesday of last week and things have gone very well so far. I am catching on quickly to everything and everyone is very helpful which am glad for also.

Ryan and I graduate in two weeks which is crazy! I still don't think of it as being that soon, but it is and it is very exciting!

We just starting watching the TV show Heroes (Ryan downloaded some of the first episodes), and it is sweet!

That is all for now...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's kind of hurry up and wait right now

Are you wondering if I got the job? Well I did, but it was kind of bittersweet because right after the manager offered me the job, she told me she was going away to Florida for two weeks and would not be doing training until she got back. So I waited. This past Tuesday, the day I was supposed to start my training I got a call from the manager. She had fallen while away and needed to go in for x-rays so she couldn't do the training. Also, she wanted to train me and another girl she was hiring together so my new training date is this coming Tuesday, the 10th. I think I will really enjoy working at Starbucks once I actually start :)