Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Oh Christmas Tree...

We finally got all the ornaments on our tree tonight. Ryan has his youth group small group at our house Tuesday afternoons, so I try to make myself scarce so they can really fell free to talk. Today, I decided to take a trip to the store for ornaments. Ryan has left the decorating up to me and rightfully so, as I care way more about it than he does.

This summer we got the great idea to paint our living room walls orange. It's a beautiful vibrant color that really makes the room come alive, and goes quite nicely with our retro brown furniture. It seemed so perfect, but of course, we were not thinking about Christmas at that time. Severeal weeks ago a panic came over me. "How am I going to decorate for Christmas in my orange living room!?" Thankfuly I am not a person who has to be traditional, and so a color scheme of orange, rust, silver and brown emerged. it may sound odd in print, but in reality it is stunning. I may have to put a picture up if I can.

I found these wonderful balls at Home hardware in rusty orange and brown that are so beautiful. One is glittery, one shinny, one matte, and one has a waterdroplet pattern on it almost. they are great. We found three really cool silver ornaments that are like a ball, but not filled in, rather it is like silver metal twisted into the shape of a ball. Hard to explain, but really cool. Then I got some plain silver balls as well, and the whole thing is quite stunning.

So I was wondering what do you all prefer? Do you like the traditional tree with ornaments from your childhood, and colored lights as old as you are, or do you like, as I do, to match you tree to your decor? Or maybe you are somewhere in between. Let me know

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Moving Really Slowly

So I've been moving even slower than usual when it comes to posting and I apologize for that. To anyone who still reads this thing thanks for sticking with it.

Of course lots has happened in the THREE MONTHS since I posted last. I can hardly believe it has been that long.

Life has been really busy. Ryan and I are in no classes together this semester, and that is worsened by the fact that we both have evening classes, but of course, not on the same night. His is Monday, mine is Thursday. We are both working with the youth group of course, but again here we are separated as he is working with the senior high, (basically leading it), and I am working with the junior high. Along with youth we are both doing small groups. Mine meets on Monday night, his on Tuesday afternoon. I lead the junior high band, and he plays base for the senior high one, and my practice is Monday night before small group, and his is Tuesday night after small group. It is crazy!

I am so glad that Christmas is almost here, but I can't believe that the semester is almost over. We are going to Seattle for Christmas this year which is very exciting. I will miss my family of course, but Ryan hasn't been home in so long, that I am glad he will be able to be home finally. I am also really excited to see his, now my, family and friends.

Speaking of Christmas, we put up our tree the other day, thanks to Dani :), and put lights on it. We only have three ornaments on it so far because when we saw them we couldn't pass them up, even though we had bought no other ones yet. I love the soft glow of the Christmas tree. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, and really says to me that Christmas is coming.

Well, I must be off to bed now. Thanks for sticking it out with my blog even though there was no apparent light at the end of the tunnel. I will try to be better.