Sunday, January 23, 2005

111 days!

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I started a post but I didn't finish it. I saved the draft, but as I was looking at it, it's way outdated so I'm not even going to attept to save it. I will start fresh. Whenever I think about a fresh start I always thing of a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. That is so appropriate in the Maritimes right now as we are getting hit with a blizzard. It's crazy! It's just too much snow for me.

So, what has happened since the last time I wrote? Well, I found my wedding dress. It is so exciting! I obviously won't describe it here, because Ryan reads this and he's not seeing me in my dress until I'm walking down the aisle, but suffice to say that it is gorgeous and I love it. It was funny how I acctually got it. I wasn't sure where I was gonna look next, and then my Aunts in Fredericton suggested I look there because it's close to Sussex and they could pick me up for fittings and stuff. We had all been visiting my Grandmother in Perth-Andover, and my Mom and sister and I were the last ones to leave, so we decided that we would stop in Fredericton on the way home and bring my Grandmother, and my two Aunts and my cousin would meet us, and we all go dress shopping. I was nervous at first, because everything I read says the less people you have the better, but I couldn't object, and in the end, I ended up acctually enjoying it. It was fun to be a big entourage invading bridal shops; and all the ooo's and ahh's weren't bad either ;) I wasn't sure how I would know which dress was the one; I am so indecisive as it is. But it was pretty clear when I came out: everyone gasped, Mom started to cry, and I felt so beautiful (and thin, which is important). I was pretty sure that it was the one, but we went to another shop just to be sure. Nothing else was as nice as this one though. There were other things in its favor too. It was discounted because of a smudge on the back, but it is removable and they will do the cleaning, and as it was discounted, it was right there and didn't have to be ordered which was nice because ordering took 5 months and I only had about 4 1/2 at that point, and it was one size too small. This might not seem like a plus, but to me it is. My Aunt is a seemstress, specializing in bridal alterations, and she was delighted to think she could contribute in that way. Also, even though she ensured me that she can alter it to fit me the size I am now, I am using the dress as motivation, and hoping I can lose enough weight to have it fit without alterating it. Encourage me in this if you see me (I need it).

Well, seeing as there are other things besides a wedding going on in my life, I will talk about those. School would be the big thing. The semester has not started well for me. I don't know why, but I felt like I was dropped in the middle of it when I cam back from break. My friend Patricia has made the astute observation that it's harder to adjust to coming back to school in the winter than it is in the fall, because you don't have as much time to adjust, and it's true. In the fall, you have a few days of registration and the like before classes acctually start, so you have more time to get used to it. But in the winter, you come back from break, and in some cases, mine included, you start classes the next day. I think that is the reason I am feeling so overwhelmed. I just don't want to do poorly this semester. I had grand visions of doing everything early, and so far, this has not happened. I am still pushing the limits like I always do, but I can't do that anymore. Oh well, the semester has just started so I think I can still get my act together. I pray so.

Many of you reading this know Tammy and Michael Hutton. He is a pastor at the Sussex Wesleyan Church. They have just had a baby boy, Graham, and he was in church today and both Ryan and I got to hold him. I have always wanted babies, and was sure that if the Lord allowed I would have them once I got married. With the wedding little more than 100 days away, the prospect of this is more real than ever. We want to wait awhile before we have kids. We want sometime together alone, getting to know each other, growing closer together, and having fun practicing making babies ;), but it was so sweet to see Ryan holding Graham. He looked so natural, so at ease and at home with it, and I was so excited to think that in a few years that could be us. Ryan is going to be an amazing father. I look forward to those years with great anticipation.

Well, I am really supossed to be reading for a quiz I have tomorrow, and seeing as I am endevoring to improve my grades this semester I guess it would be a good thing to acctually do the work. I will try to post more often. I know I say that every time, but I do know how frustrating it is when bloggers don't blog so I will try to be better.

If you are in this blizzard, stay inside. It's not fit for man nor beast out there :) Blog you later